Customer Rights-Responsibilities
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Customer Rights:
- Be given timely, appropriate and quality professional home care services without discrimination.
- Be provided with proper products and services as ordered by a qualified health care professional.
- Receive products in proper operating condition according to the manufacturer’s specifications.
- Receive fair treatment.
- Request a detailed explanation of your bill for products and services.
- Be communicated with in a way that you can reasonably understand.
- Refuse equipment, products or services, accepting full responsibility for that refusal.
- Choose your provider of home care services.
- Be assured of confidentiality, to review your records, and to approve or refuse the release of records.
- Have competent and qualified people carry out the services for which they are responsible.
- Voice your grievances and recommend changes without fear of reprisal.
- Report concerns about patient safety without fear of reprisal.
- Be given reasonable notice of discontinuation of service and information on optional available providers.
Customer Responsibilities:
- Dial 911 whenever a life-threatening medical emergency arises.
- Provide complete and accurate information regarding your medical history and billing information.
- Comply with your physician’s orders and plan of care.
- Use and care for the equipment provided and not allow use by anyone other than the authorized patient or care providers.
- Contact us about any equipment malfunction or defect, and allow our staff opportunity to correct the problem.
- Advise us of any changes in your status, including address, medical condition, and billing information.
- Assume payment responsibility for services not covered by your insurance carrier, except when not allowed by law.
- Maintain a safe home environment for the proper utilization of equipment.
- To report to us any concerns about patient safety or occurrences of patient falls.
- Pay for the replacement costs of any equipment damaged, destroyed, or lost due to misuse, abuse or neglect.